DOS 060
Backing mirror
Dimensions (of rolls)
1.52 x 30 m
- Material: PET 75 microns
- Adhesive: acrylic polymer 25 gr/m²
- Liner: siliconized PET 23 microns
- Color: colorless
- Application: Backing mirror
- Breaking Load: 17,5 da N/cm
- Warranty: 10 years
- Thermal Resistance: from -20°C to 80°C
- Application Temperature: min. + 5°C
- Fire Rating: B-s1,d0
- Standards: Euroclasses
Durability 12 years
from 12 to 15 years for vertical application in central Europe.
Film usage
Réflectiv window films are designed for use on any type of clear normal glass
Maintenance after 30 days
with usual cleaning solutions (non-abrasive, without ammonia…). Cleaning products that may scratch the film should be avoided.
Storage 2 years
from delivery. This film should be kept away from excessive humidity and sun rays, at temperatures below 38°C.
SEC 054 – Security 100 microns
SEC 054 Security 100 micronsReinforces glazing Applied on glazing, this colorless film forms an integral membrane that keeps the glass in place. It avoids the glass pane shattering in the event of explosion or vandalism in places such as shops, shopping malls,...
SEC 058 – Security 200 microns
SEC 058 Security 200 micronsReinforces glazing Applied on glazing, this colorless film forms an integral membrane that keeps the glass in place. It avoids the glass pane shattering in the event of explosion or vandalism in places such as shops, shopping malls,...
SEC 054X – External security 100 microns
SEC 054X External security 100 microns Reinforces glazing Applied on glazing, this colorless film forms an integral membrane that keeps the glass in place. It avoids the glass pane shattering in the event of explosion or vandalism in places such as shops, shopping...