Filma xhami sigurie
Jetojme ne nje bote me plot rreziqe.Stuhi, tërmete, shpërthime, vandalizëm – fatkeqësitë si ato natyrore edhe artificiale janë në rritje në mbarë botën dhe pasojat për njerëzit dhe pronën mund të shkojnë nga ato te lehtat tek ato me kosto te larte apo me humbje jete.
Filmat e sigurise ju ndihmojne te mbroni gjerat tuja te cmuara , si pasurine ashtu edhe jeten. Me nje perberje polyester te paster , filmat e sigurise ofrojne nje barriere mbrojtese te holle dhe transparente kundër këtyre kërcënimeve.
Arkitekte apo ndertues te ndryshem kane perdorur filmat e xhamit per te mbrojtur ndertesa shume me vlere, sic jane, Vatikani, Buckingham Palace, U.S. Constitution , qindra ambasada dhe objekte të tjera qeveritare në të gjithë botën etj.
Asnjehere nuk mund te parashikoni se kur ose nga mund te vijne rreziqet. Ju thjesht mund ti parandaloni duke perdorur filmat e xhamit te sigurise.
Filmat e xhamit ndihmojnë ndaj:
- Shpërthimeve të bombave dhe motit të keq– duke reduktuar demet, dhe plagosjet nga xhamat qe mund te fluturojne rreth e qark.
- Hyrjet me forcë– E bejne me te veshtire hyrjen apo thyerjet e xhamave gjate nje tentative garbitjeje .
- Grafitit– Kur mundohen te gervishtin xhamin, pjesa transparente e tij mund te hiqet bashke me garfitin e shkaktuar.
SEC 054 – Security 100 microns
SEC 054 Security 100 micronsReinforces glazing Applied on glazing, this colorless film forms an integral membrane that keeps the glass in place. It avoids the glass pane shattering in the event of explosion or vandalism in places such as shops, shopping malls,...
SEC 058 – Security 200 microns
SEC 058 Security 200 micronsReinforces glazing Applied on glazing, this colorless film forms an integral membrane that keeps the glass in place. It avoids the glass pane shattering in the event of explosion or vandalism in places such as shops, shopping malls,...
SEC 054X – External security 100 microns
SEC 054X External security 100 microns Reinforces glazing Applied on glazing, this colorless film forms an integral membrane that keeps the glass in place. It avoids the glass pane shattering in the event of explosion or vandalism in places such as shops, shopping...
SEC 058X – External security 200 microns
SEC 058X External security 200 microns Reinforces glazing Applied on glazing, this colorless film forms an integral membrane that keeps the glass in place. It avoids the glass pane shattering in the event of explosion or vandalism in places such as shops, shopping...
TOP 300 – High security film
TOP 300 High security filmReinforces glazing Performance security film TOP300, offers a resistance to impact that is clearly superior to any other conventional security polyester film.1.52 x 30 m Characteristics Material : PET multilayer 330 microns Adhesive: acrylic...
TOP 300 R – Bulletproof certified film
TOP 300R Bulletproof certified filmReinforces glazing The safety film TOP300 R pushes the limits of safety. This evolution of the TOP300 is the first safety film certified bulletproof. 1.52 x 30 mResistance test NF EN 1063 It is the most durable safety film ever...
DOS 060 – Backing mirror
DOS 060 Backing mirror This adhesive film should be fixed to the back of mirrors to keep pieces of glass in place case of shock or fire.1.52 x 30 mCharacteristics Material: PET 75 microns Adhesive: acrylic polymer 25 gr/m² Liner: siliconized PET 23 microns Color:...
AGI 100 – Anti-Graffiti
AGI 100 Anti-GraffitiThis anti-graffiti film is specially designed for easier cleaning of graffiti and protection of glass from deliberate attacks and scratches. 1.52 x 2.5 m 1.52 x 10 m 1.52 x 30 m The thickness of the film acts as a barrier between the glass and the...